Monday, August 1, 2022

Hello, world!

Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the internet.


First things first: Who am I? I'm a nerd who has always loved technology in some way shape or form. It all started from games—from playing them (a lot) to learning graphic/motion design to create gaming-related content. Then came dabbling in web development, but I never fully committed. I studied Interactive Multimedia (BA) and Creative Media (MA), both after a failed attempt at games development—which was funnily enough, my first attempt at blogging1.

After college, the plan was to move to Berlin. Spoiler alert: You need money to move country (of which, I had none). So I applied for a bunch of jobs, some related to what I studied, most not. I ended up getting a job on a third-party support contract for Stripe. 12 months later, I got an internal role, and I've been there since (will be 5 years next month). I have worn many hats over that time, with my latest role being Technical Operations. It's a mixture of an operational and engineering role and helps ensure that Stripe's merchants get paid out reliably.


This is going to be a mixture of a blog, a notebook, and a digital garden2 3. Not only about software engineering, either—covering things I'm thinking about, books I'm reading, articles that piss me off, how training for triathlon is going, stuff like that. A couple of things that are top of mind:

  • How I built this blog
  • Learning Typescript
  • Tally: A real-time, multiplayer pitch & putt scorecard tracking app
  • Adding backlinking support to posts on this site
  • Project-driven learning

This is and will continue to be a fluid list.


To create a trail of breadcrumbs that show where I started, where what I'm learning takes me, and to be able to look back on what I worked on, wrote to myself and accomplished. If I'm just talking to myself, that's okay. I don't care about reach, followers, anything like that. If someone gets something useful out of this, cool. If not, that's totally fine by me.


  1. Road To Programmer

  2. Maggie Appleton, Andy Mastukchi, Azlen Elza

  3. (not an actual digital garden ... yet)